“Hyperbolic discounting and positive optimal inflation” (with Dennis J Snower), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2013. Paper, doi.
“Invertible and non-invertible information sets in linear rational expectations models” (with Brad Baxter and Stephen Wright), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2011. Paper, appendices, toolkit, doi.
“Hedonic capital, adaptation and resilience” (with Andrew Oswald), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation, 2010.Paper, doi.
“Information, heterogeneity and market incompleteness” (with Stephen Wright), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010. Paper, appendices, doi.
“Hyperbolic discounting and the Phillips curve” (with Dennis J Snower), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2008. Paper, appendix, doi.
“Consumption habits and labour supply”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008. Paper, doi.
“Nominal Debt Dynamics, Credit Constraints and Monetary Policy” (with Stephen Wright), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions), 2007. Paper, doi.
“Strong contagion with weak spillovers” (with Martin Ellison and Jouko Vilmunen), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2006. Paper, doi.
“Modelling nominal debt contracts and fixed rate debt” (with Stephen Wright), Economics Letters, 2005. Paper, doi.
“Monetary models and technology shocks”, Economics Letters, 2003. Paper, doi.
“Unemployment and the smoothness of consumption in business cycle models”, Economics Letters, 2003. Paper, doi.
Other papers
“Individual rationality, model-consistent expectations and learning”. Paper.
“Learning, information and heterogeneity”. Paper.
“Oil prices, profits and recessions: an inquiry using terrorism as an instrumental variable” (with Natalie Chen and Andrew Oswald). Paper.
“The real effects of money growth in dynamic general equilibrium” (with Dennis J Snower), ECB Working Paper 412, 2004. Paper.